On this Wednesday, get this Ambiano vacuum food sealer from Aldi for $39.99. This is a newer model and has been marked down by $20 from the previous version. It features extra wide sealing length, powerful 9L per minute sealing pressure and more.
More Information:
Ever wonder if there was a better way to preserve your food for MUCH longer than using glad wraps or unhealthy preservatives? The ultimate secret lies in a tiny machine called the “Vacuum Food Sealer”.
This amazing device works by removing the air and oxygen inside the packaging, hence inhibiting the growth of bacteria which could ultimately lead to mould and yeast developing on your food, making it inedible!
While food technology like this may sound expensive, but not when ALDI is having a sale on this Ambiano Food Sealer for only $39.99!
Marinate your steaks or salmon for maximum flavours and allow it to sit in your fridge for up to 5x longer than traditional methods. All it takes is a push of a few buttons…
- Compact design
- Easy to use
- Auto vacuum and sealing function
- Seals bags up to 30cm wide
- Sealing depth is 2.5mm
- Advanced sealing functions for dry or moist foods
- Vacuum pressure of 9L per minute
- Suitable for meat, poultry, fruits, vegetables, nuts and dry foods
- Save space in your fridge
- 1 year warranty
Besides preserving freshness and flavours, this is also a great way to reduce your refrigerator space. Furthermore, the seal will protect your dried and frozen food from freezer burn.
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